Application Tips and Rules:
All applications are due March 31st of your graduation year.
Both questions are required for each scholarship, unless otherwise stated.
Any supplementary information must include the name and submission date at the top.
Be yourself and tell us a story about yourself. Nobody is perfect and life is hard -- feel free to tell us about your journey so far and where you want to go next.
Remember: everyone who reads your application likes students and wants to see them succeed.
Do not wait until the last minute. Some applications require a teacher or counselor letter of support -- ask for it sooner rather than later.
That said, if you do wait until the last minute and can't decide whether or not to apply -- apply.
Enrollment verifications must be received by October of the year your scholarship was awarded.
Recipients are notified by June of each year.
All decisions are made at the discretion of the scholarship committees.
Send questions to sneese[at]santaclaraschoolsfoundation.org
Scholarships may not be deferred.
The Don and Clare Callejon First-Generation Scholarship
Five scholarships of $1,500 may be awarded annually.
Eligibility: all SCUSD high school students who will be the first in their families to attend a 2- or 4-year college or university.
Students must be planning to enroll full-time in an institution of higher education for the upcoming fall term.
Question 1: Who or what inspired you to want to be the first in your family to attend college? (500 words or less)
Question 2: What do you hope to accomplish by attending college that you wouldn’t be able to accomplish otherwise? (500 words or less)
The John George Memorial Scholarship
One scholarship of $2000 may be awarded annually to a qualified and selected applicant from any SCUSD high school.
Eligibility: all graduating SCUSD seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.5 or higher are eligible to apply.
Students must plan to enroll full time at an accredited 4-year college or university for the upcoming fall term.
Attach unofficial transcript as .pdf.
Attach a letter of recommendation from guidance counselor, teacher, coach, or other adult who knows you personally.
Question 1: Discuss a special attribute or accomplishment that sets you apart from other well-qualified applicants. (250 words or less)
Question 2: If you had the authority to change your community in a positive way, what specific changes would you make and why? (500 words or less)
The Mission City Federal Credit Union (MCFCU) Scholarship
Up to five scholarships of $2000 each may be awarded to qualified and selected applicants from any SCUSD high school.
Eligibility: all graduating SCUSD students with GPAs of 2.5 or above.
Students must plan to attend a 2- or 4-year college, university, or other institution of higher education.
Question 1: Tell us about a nonprofit you are familiar with and how that organization has impacted your life or your community. (no word limit)
Question 2: How can nonprofits work with government and for-profit corporations to build a better world? (no word limit)
The Santa Clara Schools Foundation Scholarship
Two $1500 scholarships may be awarded to qualified and selected applicants from each SCUSD high school.
Eligibility: all graduating SCUSD students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 are eligible.
Students must be planning to enroll full-time in an institution of higher education for the upcoming fall term.
Select one question to respond to (no word limit):
What do you consider to be the most important issue in society today, what can be done to address it, and what role can you play in that?
What social activity (club, assignment, project, etc.) most affected your approach to life and why?
What has been your biggest academic challenge to date? Why? How did you rise to the challenge? If you failed, what did you take away from the experience, and how did you apply it later?
The Twila Keeble Scholarship
One scholarship of $1000 may be awarded.
Eligibility: all graduating Wilcox High students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 are eligible.
Students must plan to enroll full-time in an institution of higher education for the upcoming fall term and pursue a career in Education.
Question 1: Who or what inspired you to want to become a teacher? (500 words or less)
Question 2: What would you do differently to better teach students than using today's teaching methods? (500 words or less)
The Loretta Claypool Memorial Scholarship
Up to five $2,000 scholarships may be awarded annually to qualified and selected applicants.
Eligibility: all students pursuing a career in Education with a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Students must plan to enroll full time at an accredited 4 year college or university for the upcoming fall term.
Send a copy of your current transcript as a PDF document.
Attach the letter of recommendation from an educator who knows you personally.
Question 1: What has been your biggest academic challenge? How did you rise to the challenge and what did you take away from the experience? (no word limit)
Question 2: Discuss a special attribute or accomplishment that sets you apart from other well-qualified applicants. (no word limit)
The Lola Picazo Memorial Scholarship
Up to two $1,000 scholarships may be awarded annually to qualified and selected applicants.
Eligibility: all graduating SCUSD high school students with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Applicant must be dedicated to making a positive impact on our Hispanic-American community.
Plan to enroll full-time in an accredited, public community college, four-year university, or trade school, in the US, for the 2025-2026 academic year.
All applications are due April 4th.
Top 10 applicants will be interviewed.
Attach the letter of recommendation from an educator who knows you personally.
Question 1: Who or what inspired you to want to attend college? (300 word limit)
Question 2: What do you hope to accomplish by attending college that you wouldn't be able to accomplish otherwise? (300 word limit)
Question 3 (optional): What qualities do you have, and how will you use them to succeed in your chosen college or trade school? What support do you currently have or plan to seek to help you succeed? (300 word limit)
Question 4 (optional): If you had the authority to change your community in a positive way, what specific changes would you make and why? (300 word limit)
The Class of 94 Scholarship
Up to one $1,000 scholarship and one $4,000 scholarship may be awarded annually to qualified and selected applicants.
Eligibility: all graduating high school students with a minimum GPA of 2.5.
Four-Year College or University Scholarship: This scholarship awards $4,000 to a deserving graduating senior who plans to attend a four-year college or university.
Trade School Scholarship: This scholarship awards $1,000 to a graduating senior who plans to attend a trade school.
Attach a letter of recommendation from a guidance counselor, teacher, coach, or other adult who knows you personally.
Submit an unofficial transcript.
Question 1: TBD (250-500 word limit)
Question 2: TBD (250-500 word limit)